23/9 KIS along with SYK left to Bore Beach and had fun surfing!

KIS arranged a surfing break for it´s members the 20th of May.

KIS got a new room the 28th of February. Located at Pavilijong 4 by SIS gym.

KiS arranges meetings between students and potential workplaces. This can be company presentations or company visits. Previously there has been company presentation of DNV (in cooperation with another student society), presentation of SUS as a workplace for chemists, company visit to Aker Solutions, and arranged by Tekna there has also been company visits at Skretting's research station on Lerang and to Laerdal Medical.

KiS arranged a place to be (booked room at UiS), and provided coffee/tea and snacks. The Study Gatherings 2013 was every other Monday at 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., where students sat down together to study.