FAQ - New Chemistry Student By UiS
What is KiS?
KiS is the student society for you if you study Biological Chemistry or Environmental Chemistry at UiS. KiS arranges trips and parties, helps you create a network with different companies. During the start of the semester it is going to be possible to sign up to be a member of KiS. It is free to be a member
What is the Students House?
The Students House is the small house in the front of Arne Rettedals Hus (AR). Here is the location of the Student organisastion in Stavanger (StOr), the student priest, fadder board and different students societies have office space there. On the first floor is Tappetårnet
What is Tappetårnet?
Tappetårnet, also known as TT for most students, is the local studentpub at campus. It is open every thursday and the drinks are student priced. Tappetårnet arrange some cool events during the semesters like Husfesten or Oktoberfest.
What is Folken?
Folken is a student society house in Stavanger Sentrum. A lot of cool event and concerts happen during the semester. As a student you can will get cheaper prices on tickets for concerts. It´s also possible to rent Folken´s premises for your own events. It´s also possible to become a volunteer, where you get even cheaper prices for concert tickets and drinks. Check out more by clicking here.
Where are the different canteens?
AR, KE, HG, HL og KA have canteens. The main canteen is in KE.A privat owned canteens is in HL. That one has different selection of food.
All the canteens sell coffee. And most buildings have coffee machines accept cards. In KE there is a proper Coffee bar, Bokkafeen, with really good coffee and great prices.
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Where can I study?
Most buildings have reading halls and the library in KE has places for every student. It´s recommended to explore the different buildings. But the recommended spot is in KiS´s own study place at Pavilijon 4, on the second floor.
Where do I park to avoid getting a ticket?
Be very careful about where you park because some spots are JUST for employees. Read the signs at campus carefully. Also check out this super informational map.
Where do I buy my books?
Books can be bought either at at the bookstore at Kitty Kjelland, online or used. There are several facebook groups about buying used books.
Where can I work out?
SiS Sport center is right next to the KE building. Check out their webpage here.